
Colonia is a gripping political thriller set during the 1973 Chilean military coup. The film follows Lena (Emma Watson), a determined flight attendant, whose boyfriend, Daniel (Daniel Brühl), a photojournalist, is arrested by the regime for his political activism. Daniel is taken to Colonia Dignidad, a secluded and sinister enclave masquerading as a religious mission but hiding dark secrets.

Driven by love and courage, Lena infiltrates the colony, uncovering its horrific abuses and its ties to the Pinochet dictatorship. Navigating a world of fear, manipulation, and oppression, she risks everything to rescue Daniel before it’s too late.

With powerful performances and a tense narrative, Colonia is both a harrowing tale of personal bravery and a poignant reminder of the brutalities of a dark period in history.

Cast: Emma Watson · Daniel Brühl · Michael Nyqvist · Richenda Carey · Vicky Krieps · Jeanne Werner · Julian Ovenden · August Zirner.